TROIAREUKE ACSEN Selemix Serum 40ml



Selemix Serum: Your Regenerating DNA code finder: Skin regenerator Serum

Epidermis and dermis regenerating cell DNA is very important factor of anti-aging skincare.

As skin tends to get aged and old, cell’s original function and its DNA code is often forgotten or lose its power.

When cell loses the power of regeneration in the cell, the aging process tends to get faster or more serious then skin will face many kind of skin problem such as wrinkles, pigmentations, sensitive and acne skin.

It also means low in skin immune system then low functioning of skin then more problems.



Selemix Serum is skin cell’s DNS code finder.

Selemix serum guides the skin cell to function as responsive as young cells in epidermis layer.

For the dermis layer, Selemix serum will find the code to increase production of new cell and build up cell matrix which is the foundation of good skincare.

By strengthening epidermis and dermis layer.

This is the reason that customer can experince less sensitive skin, tightened pore, firming and strong skin matrix, natural beautiful radiance is one the few anti-aging effect.

Going back to your young skin. Finding the right DNA code for scientific skincare is the key to anti-aging.

This is the reason we use Selemix Serum with Troipeel to perform Quick Troi.

Troiareuke Acsen product has been developed for Acne and Sensitive skin.

Worldwide there are great need of Acsen skin that needed to be improved. Troi product development team also conveyed skin analysis in the Seoul subways of counting the sensitive and acne skin.

The result was amazing, for the age between 20 to 35 60%~70% (Every 6 in 10 person) have tendency and case of Acsen skin.

However after developing this product after 1 year, product development team have come to realize that we are caging the product and missing the skin science in the product that we have designed when we have created this specific line.

To improve Acne and Sensitive skin we need to understand the skin science but this will lead to anti-aging the skin + making your immune system stronger.***

Customer will thank you for introducing this product to you because it is going to make your skin younger and stronger again.

Basic Skin Science: Skin consists of two main layers. Epidermis and dermis. Epidermis is outer layer and dermis is inner layer.

Epidermis is 20% of skin layer and 80% is dermis. Epidermis’s function is to protect from external factors such as pollution and damage.

Dermis’s function is to make new skincell that can reach to surface of skin, provide good micro mineral; nutrition and H2O cell that consist of skin matrix.

Which one is more important? Both layers are equally important but strengthening the dermis area will improve epidermis area as cell turn over on its rate.

Acsen skin solution is more than improving acne & sensitive skin. Acsen formulation will improve epidermis and dermis layer of skin. Every step of the Acsen line will improve and show results in 2 to 4 weeks. _Best Price on Latest Korean cosmetics,free samples, product request, fast delivery, worldwide shipping