KISHER Bubble Bar*2ea

KISHER Somethig Pink Bubble Bar 120g  : Sweet Floral Scent 
KISHER Cotton Cloud Bubble Bar 120g : Green Scent with Lemon Flavor
KISHER Jasmin Bouquoet Bubble Bar 120g : Jasmin Scent 
KISHER Fresh Carrot Garden Bubble Bar 110g : Green Scent
KISHER MY Little Whale Bubble Bar 110g : Powdery Scent
KISHER Love Yourself Bubble Bar 110g : Powdery Scent with Cherry Flavor







How to Use
1. Place crushed bubble bar on the bath tub.
2. Add water with high water pressure.
3. Enjoy the bubble bath with pleasant scent.
4. Rinse your body with water.

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