Order inquiry


Inquiries About the Current Status of My Ordered Products, Shipping, and Any Requested Changes

Posted by Beauty Box Korea(ip:)

Date 24.04.05

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Hello dear,

We sincerely apologize for causing you undue wait. Furthermore, we apologize for not responding to your inquiry email promptly. Currently, our customer service team is experiencing staffing shortages and is in the process of replenishment, resulting in delays in response times. We are doing our best to expedite the normalization of our services, and we kindly ask for your patience during this time.

Most of your order is prepared and ready; however, one item is delayed from the supplier and is expected to arrive on Monday. As soon as it arrives, we will ship it out immediately. You will receive the updated tracking number once the shipment is processed. We apologize once again for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards,

Beauty Box Korea CS Jay


[ Original Message ]

Hello, I am inquiring about order #20240321-0000343. It was placed March 21st and items are still showing as being collected. I've sent two inquiry emails with no response. Could you please update me as to when i can expect thus order to ship? Thank you for your help!



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